When you think it’s all changed…

My partner commented yesterday how he felt the kids had, “really turned a corner” with their dramatic tantrum behavior. Like they’d outgrown mischievousness and big feelings. Directly after this pic someone got booted into this kiddie pool. I didnt do it, so I guess we turned that proverbial corner into a circle.

The lean over


Ever had that moment where someone else catches you, keeps you from burning down the house as you try to over achieve…or just get by? I’d like to thank my partner for saving me another major #momfail. I tried to fit one last batch of veggie chips in….and fell asleep. Having a person, whether a friend, life partner (my name for husband, wife), is so #Worthit. Not partnering up is a totally okay thing, but no man is an island. We all need our people. Face the awkward moment of figuring out the adult version of, “wanna play?” And gather your village. It could save your house from destruction….

Pickle Ball is my new fave

I kind of gave it away right?  What this whole thing is about, but not really.  So, initially I got interested in pickleball when showed up as an applicant to Pitch at one of Vesuvius Co-working’s pitch night.  These people were SO passionate about pickleball, it was like encountering a new version of Star Wars nerd- so basically over the TOP.  Madison County Pickleball started offering free pickleball at a nearby church, and so I went. Then I really wanted to go back.  I took my mom. My mom got her own racquet & took over my Tuesday night.  I mean, we work together, live near each other- I #ijustcant hang out with her anymore and keep my sanity.

I’m pretty tall, so I look intimidating & most bet at some point in my life I’ve been an athlete, maybe some kind of pro basketball player who may have been famous in Europe.  It always surprises everyone when I’m barely mediocre at any given sport.  So I asked the league if there’s any other time I can play.  They said, “Well you can show up Thursday, that’s the intermediate 3.0 & above play.  You can try it out, see how it goes”  I took that as permission, kind of to give it a go.  Unfortunately, they gave me that permission like 3 months ago & I haven’t played pickleball since because well, life happens.  So I decided last week after someone mentioned it to me again at another event that I would just SHOW UP.  I got there, and the first 4 games got SPANKED. People started asking how long I’d played, when I moved up.  I was certain the gig was up, although I also know they were really just being curious & polite by asking me questions.  Funny how your brain plays tricks on you, because I was pretty sure no one really wanted to be my partner when my turn came. I thought maybe I’d be asked to not come back.  This of course is all in my own head.

So I did it again anyways.  Last night, I SHOWED UP.  I was so much better.  This time no one questioned my presence.  I didn’t ask permission.  I SHOWED UP.  Granted, the pickleball community is one of the best.  They love new people, they are encouraging, and they care enough to throw out invites over & over.  I appreciate that, but I still have that internal struggle I believe we all deal with. It’s some pretty intimidating stuff to overcome in my own head, but I highly recommend it.  It’s opened a new world. Those doubts: Am I good enough? Will they turn me down?  Will they reject me?

Who really knows?  They might.  But I’ve found over & over when I have the courage to just show up, very rarely do people say no.  Even if they do- and you show up again, or maintain your position- people respect perseverance.

Also, love you pickleballers- you’re fantastic. I appreciate you & your passion for the game. I’m leaving now to go get my own paddle, because I’m totally geeking out over it.

I see you pickleball, and I’m in LOVE.

Image may contain: sky and outdoor

Follow your instincts,

But dont eat your kids. You KNOW that’s not what I mean. I just gave a presentation that was backed by tons of data. I felt like I needed to draw a really long line from point a to b, show them the WHOLE map of the 2,000 mile journey instead the straight line. While the journey IS important, it ended up being distracting to my end goal. I KNEW THIS, but continued to try and show how hard it was to get there. Establish my expertise. Show that I did the work.

I know how to tell a story. I tried to prove myself worthy as so many others do, instead of following my gut. Poor form. Simple is hard, and I know how to make it simple…so needed to go with it. Hindsight always tells me I was correct, so it’s time to go with my gut. Moving on, that time I did want to eat my kids, I didnt. My guy said I was full, and clearly spot on as it is definitely wrong to eat your young.

My daughter just told me

“You’re going the wrong way.” As we drive to church.

I replied, “do you know what day it is?”


“Okay then.”

“Okay what? You’re going the wrong way.”

The low fuel light just came on.

I’m hoping this isn’t the universe talking to me through my child. I may need to be a better listener.




We’re out in it again. Mixing with regular normal people.

We’ll retreat soon. My 3 year old just put a fork on her booty and made a fart noise. She just declared,”I’m washing my butt with a fork! It’s a fart fork!”

Hilarious. We’re leaving when I finish my bacon.


It’s my birthday

My youngest has been waiting her whole life for her birthday to arrive. Everyday it’s the same question, “it my birthday today?”

My crowning achievement as her mother was when this morning I got to say, “Today. TODAY is your birthday.”

It felt so good to make someone’s dreams come true.

Why I’m not built for home school.

This is why I can never homeschool. It means more work for me. I’m already tired. My patience is already overextended. I’m also not built for it. My daughter desperately wanted to peel a steamed egg this morning. It was going medium well, enough to keep her occupied while I went to go help my other daughter get her dress unstuck from her head. I came back and my egg peeling toddler had disappeared…with a freshly peeled egg. I found it in a paw patrol helicopter in my bedroom. I gently reminded her that food stays in the kitchen and it was indeed food. I tried to take it from her as she replied, “No, I play!” As she gripped that stupid egg tighter. She was coiling up her energies to tantrum, I pictured the squished egg flying all over my room and the new white duvet I just put on the bed. I know, what kind of fool am I? It’s like I created this chaos…

I let it go. 4 hours later, I found the egg resting smelly and whole in the play kitchen. So maybe I’m a better teacher than I thought? I kind of credit my daughter’s intellect and not my tutelage.

So here’s a shout out to all the teachers for using your talents to better my child in the classroom, and to all the homeschooling mamas/papas who deserve medals. I believe we need to support our teachers in every way, shape, and form. I shout out larger tax credits to homeschooling parents, and higher pay to our teachers to attract the talented and called. Education is a gateway to a better society, so let’s get’er done.

May you find all if my child’s boiled eggs this school year before they go rotten.

Tech time.

My daughter just ripped the lid off her styrofoam (yeah, restaurants here still use it) take out container in the car and asked if she could pretend it was her kindle. I’m feeling slightly bad about her limited screen time, but only a little.